How to Get Back On a PaddleBoard After Falling

Falling off a paddleboard is normal, and it is a thing that occasionally happens, especially to new paddlers. The more pro you become, the lesser the falling times. This is because the more you practice, the better you become in balancing and staying upright on your paddle.

No matter the paddle design you use, you must experience falling several times. Check this guide to learn tips for falling from a paddleboard that will help you keep safe during the experience. You will also learn how to get back on a paddleboard after falling so you can continue paddling.

Falling from a paddleboard can happen anywhere in the waters, whether deep or shallow waters. It is therefore advisable that you paddle while wearing your life jacket on. 

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Whether you are a good swimmer or not, a life jacket will keep you safe from drowning in the waters. There are several tips you can observe when falling from a paddleboard. These are:

Make sure you fall far from your paddleboard

It is always safe to move away from paddle board while falling. Do not ever try to fall on the paddleboard as this may lead to an injury since the board is hard.

In case you become too wobbly on the board, choose the best way to fall either at the back, front, or side of the board. It is safe to land on the water than on the paddle board.

Land flat on the water

The intensity of falling determines how deep you get into the waters. Falling while on your back or your belly will help to distribute your weight uniformly such that it will be easy to stay on waters. It will also help you not go deep in the waters or hit any object like a stone in the waters.

Take hold of your paddle.

Try as much as possible to get hold of your paddle while falling, so it does not move too far from you. In case you are unable and let it loose, get on the board, and then paddle using your hands to get the paddle back.

How to Get Back On a Paddleboard After Falling

Falling from your paddle board is not the end of paddling. You have to get back on the board and continue with the practice. Be calm after falling so you can get back easily without panic and be able to paddle safely again.

Remember that falling off the board is not a weakness; everyone can fall, whether you are a professional or a beginner. The best thing is to learn how to get back.

The following are simple steps that will help you get back on the paddle board:

Step 1: Find your paddle board.

After falling, your board may move farther from you. It would help if you looked for it then swim near it. This is for those who do not have a leash. In case you have one, then your board will be there with you. 

Move to the right side or left side of the paddle board, depending on your dominant hand. Once in the appropriate position, use the other hand to grasp the carry handle. Make sure when holding the handle, your body is in the middle of the paddle board.

Step 2: Tread water

Make sure you tread water to help you place your body weight correctly. This will allow you to get back on the paddle board in the appropriate position. Remember that your board is not supposed to carry your weight. 

As you grasp the carry handle using a predominant hand, bend over on your main hand to hold the rails firmly. In case you are right-handed, you should get back on a paddle board on the left side; if you are left-handed, use the right side to climb the board.

Step 3: Lift your legs until they float on the water. Use your legs to push away water at the back. Slither your belly onto the middle of the paddle board. 

Continue holding the rail as well as the carry-handle as you slither your whole body onto the paddle board. Hold on as you lie down on the paddleboard awaiting the water to be calm.

Step 4: Once the water calms down, change your body position, and sit on the paddleboard. Place your legs on one side of the paddle board.

Step 5: After getting ready, place the paddle transversely on the paddleboard. Carry your body weight on your hands, then lift your feet and place them on the paddle board. Make certain that your feet lie horizontally on the paddle board. This will improve your balance on the board.

Step 6: Get to your feet slowly. You can use your paddle while it is placed in water to support you and maintain balance as you stand.

In case the above steps seem too complicated for you, try this simple but useful method:

Swim near the paddle board's backside such that your eyes are on the same level as the board's tail. Choose the appropriate side that you will use to climb on the board. Hold the board's tail as you press on the paddle board down. Your body emerges out of the water, whereas the paddle board's tail goes underwater.

Push the tail until you can comfortably sit on the side of the board. Lastly, slide slowly and carefully back on the paddle board. Follow steps 5 and 6 above to get on your feet. You can now continue with your journey.

Final Words

Paddling is one of the best leisure experiences in the water. Learning how to paddle requires a lot of patience and the will to move on. This is because you will fall many times from your board. You, therefore, need to get back on a paddle board after falling. In case you are paddling for sports, you need to be as fast as possible so that you win.

With the above steps, it will be easy to learn how to get back on a paddleboard after falling. Do more practice, and you will become a professional in paddling sports. Also, ensure you get the best paddle board for the best experience.

Matt Bartlett

Outside is always better .I'm an avid Traveler, Cyclist, Paddler,Hiker, Outdoor Adventurer, Sports Lover & Wannabe Runner. I write about adventures and share them on my website and for other outdoor publications. . Wannabe Runner Love being outdoors.I enjoy sharing outdoor experiences with others.

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